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[De]signing of multifunctional nanomaterials for
[light]-driven innovation technologies

DELIGHT is a project for scientific exchange of researchers between leading academic institutions in Europe, United States of America, Canada and Argentina funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) in the Horizon Europe framework programme of the European Union. The scope is to stimulate long-term scientific exchange between different sectors and countries, giving young scientists the opportunity to broaden their horizon in long term stays at host labs, contributing to an interdisciplinary and international education.

The mission of DELIGHT is to drive the fundamental knowledge and technological evolution of optically responsive nanomaterials in energy, medical, and optoelectronic sectors. The technical goals of DELIGHT are:
  • To develop multifunctional nanomaterials based on metallic/magnetic/semiconductor nanoparticles, organic/inorganic perovskites and biological molecules that have low toxicity, and which have a broad range of optical, electronic, magnetic and catalytic properties.
  • To develop material composites by self-assembly, functional templates and scaffolds to obtain properties such as amplified light emission, thermoplasmonics, photocatalysis, SERS, location-controlled drug release, and chirality in optically active and responsive materials for biosensing and photonics.
  • To implement machine learning for material design, advanced characterization, and robotized fabrication for large scale parameter screening and upscaling